Community Service
Southey has many services and organizations within the community.
Fire Department
First Responders
Health Centre
Pioneer Lodge
Numerous organized clubs in town
Garbage: is collected every Wednesday morning, please ensure your curbside bin is rolled out by 7 am.
Recycling: Is collected every Second Tuesday morning, please ensure your bin is rolled out by 7 am.
Permitted items to recycle include- flattened cardboard or paperboard, newspaper, flyers, junk mail, envelopes, magazines, catalogs, telephone books, brown paper bags, tissue roll cores, paper egg cartons, aluminum and tin such as soft drink and beer cans, foil trays and pie plates, household tin cans (please rinse first), plastic bags, drink bottles and plastic wrap, confetti shredded paper(bagged separately), juice and milk cartons (rinsed), milk jugs, tetra-pak containers.
We do not accept glass, household garbage, organic or hazardous material, waxed paper, soiled tissues or napkins, Styrofoam or other foam packing material, auto parts and batteries.
FOR A FULL DETAILED LIST: Residential Services Recycling Checklist
Professional Building Inspectors
The Town of Southey uses PBI for all of their inspection needs. If you are building a new garage, putting up a fence or doing a home reno you must first fill out an development application at the town office and possibly take out a building permit if required. For more information on building permits please call, email, or stop by the Town Office.
Police protection is provided by the R.C.M.P. detachment located in Southey.
Southey Fire Department
Southey Fire Department has one fire truck, a new rescue unit and one transport vehicle, plus a well trained 14 member volunteer group who provide protection for the town and rural municipalities: The Fire Chief is Ron Off.

Southey First Responders
The Southey area is served by volunteer Medical First Responders. Their specialized training requires them to be registered with the Ministry of Health and dispatched through Health Region 911 Services.
Southey Health Centre
The Southey Health Centre houses the medical clinic and is served by a nurse practitioner on Tuesday’s and Friday’s. We have a lab clinic that runs on Friday mornings from 7:30am to 10:00am, drop in only. Please bring your health card and requisition. The Regina Qu’Appelle Region provides a Health Nurse who does baby care, immunizations and arranges blood pressure clinics.

Southey Pioneer Lodge There are 28 suites for Senior Living. The rent is based on income.
Southey Pioneer Lodge, Sask Housing.
For more information contact Manager Ferne Senft at
(306) 726-2932,(306)726-2189 or (306) 530-6829
The quality of life in Southey is supported by the work of many volunteers and organizations:
Southey Drama Club
Southey and District Lions Club
Southey Lioness Club
Southey and District Recreation Board
Southey Dance Club
Loon Creek Wildlife Federation
Girl guides, sparks, brownies, pathfinders
Senior Citizens’ Club
Southey Museum Board
Alcoholics Anonymous, Alanon
Churches Southey is also served by four church denominations and ministerial association:

EMO (Emergency Measures Operations)- In the event of a town Emergency there is a EMO team in place to help the community. For information about this group check out their Facebook page