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July 1, 2014


The Name “Canada”

Canada is derived from the word “kanata” which in Huron-Iroquois language means “village” or “settlement”. The word kanata was first heard by Jacques Cartier while he was requesting directions to Quebec City, which in 1535, was the Indian village of Stadacona. Cartier expanded the use of the word Canada to include all lands overseen by Chief Donnacona. By 1547 maps showed all land north of the St Lawrence River as Canada. The St. Lawrence River was actually called the “Rivière de Canada” until the early 1600′s. The land along the river of Canada and the Gulf of St. Lawrence was still called Canada in 1616, but everything north was referred to as New France. When explorers and fur traders mapped land in the west and south, “Canada” grew. Land included in “Canada” encompassed what is now the American Midwest, and some land as far south as Louisiana (which had different boundaries at that time). In 1791, Canada became official with the naming of Upper and Lower Canada, they eventually amalgamated and became the Province of Canada.

On July 1st, 1867, the North America Act formed the Dominion of Canada which included New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario and Quebec. *

1870 – Manitoba and Northwest Territories joined the Dominion of Canada * 1871 – British Columbia * 1873 – Prince Edward Island *

1898 – Yukon entered Confederation *

1905 – Saskatchewan and Alberta join and the Dominion of Canada now stretches from “sea to shining sea”. *

1931 Canada became an independent nation. *

1949 – Newfoundland joins Canada *

1977 – the Canadian Government extended Canada’s boundaries to include more of the Arctic Ocean and 200 nautical miles of shoreline. *

1999 – Nunavut was created – See more at: http://www.canadianaconnection.com/2009/10/the-name-canada/#sthash.fqa5D4oX.dpuf



“Land of Living Skies” is an apt description of Saskatchewan, as it’s not unusual to be standing in the sunshine while watching several different rainstorms miles away. Saskatchewan When I first travelled across the prairies I thought there couldn’t be anywhere more boring; until I had the opportunity to spend a few days on a farm. Now I realize that beauty is everywhere as long as we take the time to see it. The prairies are just as incredible as every other geographical area of Canada and after days horse riding through Saskatchewan farmland, I developed a true appreciation. If you think this province is just flat land and farms, think again. Farmland only covers about one third of Saskatchewan, forest covers half, while one third is under water. The northern portion is bordered by the Northwest Territories and is covered by the Canadian Shield (oldest known rock on earth). Athabasca Provincial Park is home to the most northerly sand dunes in the world. The south shore of Lake Athabasca also offers approximately 100 plant species not found anywhere else. Estevan which is situated in the southeast corner of the province receives the most sunshine-filled days in Canada. Manitoba borders the east, Alberta the west. The southern border bumps up against North Dakota and Montana. It’s name is derived from the Cree word “kisiskatchewanisipi,” or “swift-flowing river.” A testament to the four major rivers: the Assiniboine, the North Saskatchewan, the South Saskatchewan and the Churchill. As with the other Canadian provinces, Saskatchewan’s growth began through the fur industry. An agent with Hudson’s Bay Company, Henry Kelsey, was the first non-aboriginal to follow the Saskatchewan River into the plains of the province (around 1690). Trading posts and settlements followed. Settlements grew after the Dominion Lands Act of 1872 and the building of the railroad. Saskatchewan separated from the Northwest Territories and became a province in Canada in 1905. This is the only province in Canada where the majority of population is neither British or French. Instead it is a mix of a variety of ethnic heritages including German, Ukrainian, Scandinavian, Dutch, Polish, Russian, British and French.


July 1, 2014
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