We will be voting on bylaw changes and will be asking groups who would like to join the Rec Board to fill out their yearly membership applications, at this meeting.
Rick Bourgion Memorial Shoot : Starts at 10am on October 11th. For more info please contact Russell Siebert or a local Loon Creek Wildlife member
Spray Park Steak Night Take a night off and enjoy a steak, potato and salad for only $20. Tickets available at Town Office, Conexus or any Board member.
7pm in the town office. If you are interested in learning what we have planned or would like to become involved in this great project please plan on attending this meeting.
 Southey Senior’s will be holding a Soup, Homemade Bread and dessert lunch at the Senior’s Centre on October 25th from 11:30 to 1. Please come out and enjoy some good friends and Food. Lunch is $8.00 (5 and under is $5.00)
Please plan to attend this AGM as we have made some recent changes to our by laws and there will be a vote a this meeting. Also, if you are interested in sitting on the board of directors please contact Lisa or Alex to have your name put on the nomination slate. The Rec Board […]
The School Community Council (SCC) is an advisory body consisting of parents, community members, school administrators and school staff. The focus of the SCC is to build shared responsibility for the learning success and well-being of all students. The SCC promotes parent and community involvement in school planning and improvement. Parents and community members […]